Fever Dreams


A Series of Visual Work and Poetry Created During the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

A Dream for Transformation and New Growth (2020) - Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

A Dream for Transformation and New Growth


Prodigious, Pervading, Pathogen,

Deep rooted slumbering incubations,

Leading to cruel clandestine transmissions,

The old pace of modern life gring-grinds to a halt with shuddering cough,

A world suddenly bound by the stifling chains of contagion,


We give ourselves a fighting chance to split such surly bonds,

Slowing down, Stopping, Seperating, Taking our space,

The ensnaring yoke of hubbub-ling, fretful, flattening busyness fades,

Stillness sets in,

We come home,


In this fresh silence something else grows in the air between us,

The gentle music of community begins to tickle hearts, balconies and roof tops,

Kindness is rekindled, Connection seeps through,

A prodigal recognition returns,

That we are, As we always were,

In this together,


Shoals of fish reappear in the canals of Venice,

Ushering in a dream for transformation and new growth.

A Dream for Clear Deep Oceans (2020) -Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

A Dream for Clear Deep Oceans


Downward journey through tumultuous waves,

Cresting on clear surface plains of mirrored sky.


Delving inward to calm,

Past teaming shoal and rainbow reef,

Through echoing whalesong,

Amongst dark watered expanse.


A journey into the silent depths,

Encountering fractures, faultlines and trenches,

The unfathomable reaches of which,

Only scratch the surface of Earth’s rich inner life.

Dreaming of a Foolish April (2020) - Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

Dreaming of a Foolish April


Tale spinning flywheels,

Topsy turvey nuisance spiels,

Free-frolicking hoaxes,

Wild-roaming joaxes,

Clowning around,

Monkeying about,

Dreaming of a Foolish April.

A Dream of The Boundless Blue Heavens (2020) -Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

A Dream of the Boundless Blue Heavens


Wandering, wistful, slyly circulating cirrus,

Classic, cotton tailed cumulus,

Dark, moody, treacherous nimbus.


All brief blemishes , Transient folding sheets of moisture,

Shielding from our earthly eyes,

The unspoiled azure complexion of the heavens.


Avian Kingdom, Limitless Frontier,

Territory of dreamers and pioneers,

Icarus, The Wright Brothers and Earhart,

Home of the gods, wonder and the stars.


These house bound, closed border, fever days,

Will pass too,

Like so many darkling clouds,

Withdrawing to reveal our future once more,

With all of its uncharted and boundless potential.

Dreaming of a Journey Far From Home (2020)- Digital Collage- Anthony D Kelly

Dreaming of a Journey Far From Home


Set out,

First steps along a sun dappled cobble path,

Meandering route,

Leading nowhere and everywhere,

Playfully, wistfully, lostfully,



Set out,

Amongst bristled hedgerows,

Wild with the slapdash colours of exotic fruits,

The hee-haw oddsong of some strange bird,


Set out,

Down winding twisted avenues and ancient streets,

Nose licked by sweet earthy spices,

While tracing the footsteps of unknown histories,


Set out,

Ambling along wind blasted grey crag-faced cliff sides,

Embattled coastlines,

Stoically braced against the battering blue green of unfamiliar seas.


Set out,

Cartography be damned,

No star yet calls us home,

As each new measure of voided distance,

Rebounds with the echoing strangeness of a new language.


Set out,

Drinking our fill of the world,

Until we are sore foot satisfied that our journey is done,

And we find ourselves returned at last,

To a worn and familiar front step,

At once the same and forever changed.

A Dream of Comforting Vegetation (2020) - Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

A Dream of Comforting Vegetation


Destructured, disentangled

Unmoored and unbound,

Listlessly drifting through,

These hazy, lazy, wazy, days,


Slip-sliding into a slow, slothy, stillness,

A slovenly stasis,

Supported by the seductively slender scaffold of sleep,


Time trickles by like elastic molassis,

Yet on sneaky occasion,

It leap-frogs, clock-spun, hyper-speed,

From morning to close of day,


Setting down roots,

Cultivating, vegetating, gestating,

Snore-snooze living,

Behind closed doors,


Padded by home comforts,

And snacks to the face,

One of the lucky ones,

To have a shelter-in-place.

A Dream of a Rejuvenating Spring (2021) - Digital Collage - Anthony D Kelly

A Dream For A Rejuvenating Spring


The brutal buffeting of bleak winter waves,

Has left behind a raw hearted bruising,

A lingering bloom,

The deep purple poppy of collective grief,

It was never meant to be a Christmas flower.


Yet all harsh winters yield,

As their baleful clouds gradually drift beyond the horizon,

Sunlight instead stretches out in a slow golden yawn,

Reaching further into each passing day.


In spring,

The season of rebirth,

Earth itself softens and warms,

And concealed within its dark, loamy soil,

The intrepid roots of restoration are already underfoot.


Birds once again greet the dawn in chorus,

Groggy animals emerge from their winter nooks,

As nature wipes the sleep from its eyes,

Life finally wakes back up.