I am absolutely thrilled to have an interview featured in the new issue of Art Reveal Magazine. Art Reveal Magazine is dedicated to promoting and publishing independent artists from all countries and all genres of visual art. Check out the interview here: https://issuu.com/artrevealmagazine/docs/38/30
Issue #38 features some high quality contemporary art hailing from across the globe with an illustrious line up including:
Damaris Athene (UK), Francesca Badea (Romania), KA Bird (UK), James Blamires (UK), Anthony D Kelly (Ireland), Julie De Abreu (Portugal), David Dunne (Ireland), Jessica Goodwin (UK), Jessica Grady (UK), David F. Heatwole (USA), Catherine Hellsten & Jon Rees (USA), Simona Ledl (Austria), Jawbone Jawbone (UK), Tahira Noreen (Pakistan), James Paddock (UK), Szilvia Ponyiczki (UK), Emma Walker (UK) & Francesca Busca (UK)